Our system lets you set up different levels of access; User, Admin or Super Admin. With access to our Dashboard, you can manage and monitor your entire phone system, viewing call detail history, see who is on the phone, and manage activity to determine hiring needs. You even have the capability to record calls or eavesdrop for quality assurance and training purposes. Not many can say that.

For quick access and information about each employee, such as Username, Extensions, Voicemail messages, as well as tools for modifications to their profiles; i.e. Call Forward, Follow Me, and Do Not Disturb.
This feature allows you to block or restrict outbound calling destination, i.e. international, Directory Assistance, 900 numbers, or any other area that would include a toll charge. VoIPX also offers PIN Numbers that can be entered prior to dialing international destinations.
This feature gives you the ability to listen in on a call in progress with the option to barge in on the call. Please review our Terms of Service prior to using.*
*Based on service plan availability
Our system comes with various reporting capabilities to allow you to track usage and history by each extension. CDRs can be exported into a spreadsheet.
Our reporting tools give you a complete detail and history of activity by extension. This can help you determine hiring needs and work flow of your employees. You can run reports by date range, time range, and/or users. All reports can be either printed or saved as a .CSV or Excel file.
You can view which extensions are available, who is currently on a call, and for how long, from the “Active Extensions” Dashboard.
Chat from SIP Client to SIP Client, Extension to Extension, or SIP Client to Extension.
Any phone call can be recorded, either prescheduled or midway through the conversation. These tools allow you to share recordings for Training and Quality purposes. Please review our Terms of Service prior to using.*
*Based on service plan availability
Here you can view all extensions and user activity in real time. You can instantly see who is available to take a call, as well as view how long a call has been and to what number the caller is connected to.
Through the Web Portal, employees can be set up to have different degrees of access, allowing them different functionality in the system to configure their own business.