SIP Trunking
SIP (Session Initiated Protocol) Trunking is as scalable and tailor-made solution to transport and manage all your company’s voice traffic with higher voice quality and lower cost of ownership. With flexible plans, affoardable pricing, and feature-rich capabilities, VoIPX delivers an alternative to how you communicate today.
Using our secure and private cloud-based platform, VoIPX SIP Trunking Solutions allows you to leverage your investment in your existing PBX system including phones and other equipment already purchased.
By directly connecting your SIP phones to our SIP service, you eliminate the capital expense for additional PBX hardware and avoid ineddiciencies associated with protocol conversions that can effect voice quaility.
Benefits of SIP Trunking
With legacy trunking, you have a single point of connection to your service provider. If something should happen to that connection you could lose dial tone. With VoIPX SIP Trunking, we have multiple IP connections to maintain your services along with diverse Internet protocols that allow us instantaneous failover options in the event of an outage.
Scaling with our SIP Trunking Solutions also comes with zero restrictions. You can augment your port capacity independent of your existing carrier, order the trunks your business needs today, and new ones as you need them.